Meccanica Italia
Sales and business development
The network companies

The Ken Blanchard Companies
Leadership and management training

Companies report and sales analysis

Digital Universitas
Professional training

Interactive platform

Good Partners
Business management consulting

Studio Piscaglia
Welfare and employment consulting

PDA (Personal Development Analysis)
Behavioral assessment tool

IBC Consultants
Research and data analysis

VTclick® is the only web service in the world for the creation, storage, publication and navigation of interactive Virtual Tours with the production of reports generated in real time by users during their navigation.
Discover all the features of VTclick® on
This innovative tool can be used to revolutionize several industries, including:
- Industry (work equipment maintenance checks, testing of safety devices and equipment)
- Education and training (training in production activities, courses on specific risks in the workplace)
- Local promotion (public Virtual Tours of squares, museums, shopping streets, with multimedia didactic indications)
- Commercial promotion: (tour of the productive, commercial and service activities to insert in the company sites; presentation of the products and/or services photos offered by the companies)
- Real estate (Presentation of properties for rent and for sale with inclusion in the photos of valuable features, details, costs, financing proposals, etc…)
- Websites (Creation of “360 websites” – homepage and sections of the site made with 360 photos and interactive hotspots)

PDA (Personal Development Analysis) is a tool for describing and analyzing the Behavioral Profile of people, helping companies to better know and value their human resources.
In HR field, it allows to evaluate the compatibility of a candidate’s skills and attitudes with the requirements needed to cover a specific job.
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The behavioral areas that are analyzed with the PDA are:
- Leadership Style
- Decision-making style
- Persuasion skills
- Analytical skills
- Commercial skills
- Current level of motivation
- Key skills and strengths
- Areas to develop
WTCO’s team of professionals is qualified as certified PDA analysts, so we are able to use this effective tool to support the recruitment phase.